17 Jul 2019

Use the Index view in Files

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Files

Administrators can enable the Index feature for the Files module, allowing users to access a printable tree view of some or all of the folders and files contained in the Files library.

The Index view is enabled in the Files section of the Admin module.

Accessing the Index View

The Index view is available from any page in the Files module. Click Index


To display the Index view:

The Index view displays a full hierarchical tree of all files and folders that you have permission to access in the Files module library.

If auto-numbering has been enabled for the site, then a reference number is shown in the first column.

In addition to the selection box (and optionally the assigned number), the Index view shows the file name and icon, the status, size and date the file or folder was last modified. 

Navigating the Index

In addition to providing a high-level overview of the content in the Files module, the Index can also be used to navigate directly to folders and files. 

  • To navigate through folders, use the arrow icons
  • To view all of the folders expanded, click Expand All and to close all of the folders, click Collapse All
  • If a folder contains over 100 files then click Load more... at the bottom of the list to see more files
  • Click on a folder name to go directly the normal view of the selected folder
  • Click on a file name to go directly to the selected file (either taking you to the file info page or directly downloading the file)

To exit the index, click Close to return to the default Files view or navigate away by clicking directly on a file or folder as above or selecting a folder from the left pane.

Print and Export

You can Print the index data, or Export the index data as an excel file.


Select the items to print and click Print preview.

Click Print to open the print dialog on your computer; select your print options and print as normal. 

Click Close to finish.


Select the items you want to feature in the .xls file.

Click Export to download a file called Index Report.xls. The file will be saved in your computer's Downloads folder.

Open the Downloads folder or use your browser to open Index Report.xls in Microsoft Excel or any compatible software:

The file contains two worksheets, 'Site map-1' and 'Advanced Index-1'. These contain the same information but in different formats. The 'Advanced Index-1' sheet arranges the index information in columns so it can be sorted and filtered:

  • Path
  • Title
  • Folder/Document
  • Date
  • Version
  • File Type
  • File size

And optionally (see below):

  • ID
  • Content link

Exporting an ID and content link

As of February 2023, a Site admin can change settings to add an ID and content link for each file and folder in every index export.

Open site Admin and select Settings under Files.

Scroll down to Advanced settings; select Include ID and content link for folders and files in the index export:

Click Save.


Bulk print

If a Site Administrator has permission to access Bulk print, they see a Bulk print button in the Actions menu:

Select the files and folders to be printed and click Bulk Print. The system will then generate a SINGLE PDF file that contains all selected files (including any files in selected folders).

Non-PDF files will be converted to PDF.

Once this process has completed, you can download the file by clicking the Download button.

You have 30 minutes to download the PDF file before it is automatically deleted.

Administrator Index View

Site and Content Administrators will be able to see relevant permission inheritance information for folders when viewing the Files Index.

  • Yellow folders indicate that the folder and its contents are not inheriting permissions. If a folder is a subfolder, such as the 'Sub3-Empty' folder, then that folder has broken inheritance and its permissions will apply to all that it contains.
  • Blue folders indicate that a folder and its contents are inheriting permissions from its parent folder.

Read more about file and folder permissions and inheritance.

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