16 Oct 2019

Add a folder in Files

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Files

Site Administrators, Content Administrators, and users in groups with Folder Admin permissions can create folders in the Files module.

Add a new folder

To add a new folder, select New then Folder:

The Add Folder window opens.

The Add folder page lets you enter details for the new folder.

The user that creates the folder is listed as the 'author' of the folder.

  • Name (required) - Enter the name of the folder that will be displayed in the Files module. This name does not need to be unique, meaning two subfolders can share the same name in the same folder.
  • Description - Add a description that may be useful to other users (Site and Content Administrators and users with Folder admin permissions).
  • Location - Displays the parent folder in which this folder will be created. By default, this is the folder you were viewing when you selected Add > New folder but you may be changed by clicking Choose and selecting a different location.
  • Permissions - In the Permissions tab, if a site is configured to use folder- or file-level security, you can change permissions.
  • Add - Click Add to create the new folder:

The new folder is added to the selected location. If you have access to the new folder, the folder opens. 

If the Files module is configured to use approval workflow, it does not apply to the creation of folders.

It is possible to create a folder where you do not have view permissions.

You will see a message that the folder has been added, and the previous (parent) folder opens, but you will not see the folder in the contents of the current folder.

Permissions for new folders

If folder- or file-level permissions are enabled on the site, and you have a folder or site admin role, you can select if a folder inherits permissions in the Permissions tab.

The site default is set in Files admin settings, under Default folder and file settings.

Select the Permissions tab to see the permissions that currently apply.

If Inherit parent folder permissions is selected, the folder automatically inherits the permissions of the parent folder - the folder in which it is created:

If you select, or deselect, Inherit parent folder permissions, you see a confirmation message:

Click Continue to apply the change.

If Inherit parent folder permissions is NOT selected, you can adjust each permission for groups or users before you add the folder:

As of May 2024, if 'inherit permissions' is disabled by default, then a note in the Details tab highlights that no permissions will be set for the new folder:

Only users with permission to view the folder can see the new folder.

If the folder does not open

It is possible to create a folder where you do not have view permissions i.e. if the folder does not inherit the parent permissions and you do not have access to the default settings. This is possible if, for example, you are a Folder admin, Inherit parent folder permissions is NOT selected and no custom group or user permissions were set:

You will see a message that the folder has been added, and the previous (parent) folder opens, but you will not see the folder in the contents of the current folder.

iSheet Metadata

iSheet metadata fields may be associated with a folder.

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