23 Jun 2022

Organisations in Publisher

All users belong to an Organisation. When a System Administrator creates a new User, they will be assigned to either an existing organisation (from the Users email address) or a new Organisation can be created. See the Users article for more information about creating a User.

To manage organisations, navigate to Your profile > System admin:

Click Organisations within Users, organisations & groups to display the Organisations screen:

For more information on editing an organisations details, click here.

Adding organisations

To add a new organisation, click Add organisations:

The Add new organisation screen is displayed:

Give the new organisation an Organisation name and a Domain.

The Domain is the email domain that belongs to the organisation. For example, if the domain name is highq.com any user who is added to the instance with an email address that ends with this domain will be added to the organisation. Each organisation can have multiple domains which are associated with it.

Click Add to add your new organisation. If the organisation was added successfully, the following message will be displayed:

Your new organisation will now be listed in the list of organisations.

Adding a user to an organisation

To add a user to an existing organisation, click Add user within the organisation that you want to add them to:

The Add new user screen is displayed:

Enter a First nameLast name and an Email address for the new user. If the email address entered has a domain which is not associated with this organisation, the following will be displayed:

Associating the domain with an existing organisation enables you to link your new domain to an existing organisation:

The new field will list all available organisations that you can associate the new domain to.

Adding as a new exception domain and associating with an organisation, allows you to add the new domain as an exception domain and associate it with an organisation:

The exception domain feature exempts general domains (like @gmail and @hotmail) from being automatically allocated to an organisation. However, a user with an exception domain email address may be added manually to any organisation.

The new field will list all available organisations that you can associate the new domain to. Once these details have been entered, click Add. The following message will be displayed when the user has been successfully added:

Managing users within an organisation

As a system administrator, you can manage users within an organisation. To access these options, click More actions for the user you want to manage:

Edit details

Click Edit details to display the User details screen:

Field Description
Email address Edit the email address of the user.
Organisation You can view the organisation that the user belongs to. This is a non-editable field.
Group profile

This field is related to a legacy feature and will be removed in a future version.

External ID This ID is linked to your active directory account. If you are bulk uploading users, this field must be populated. 
Department This is the department that the user is a part of. This list can be managed from Metadata.
Practice Area This is the area of law that the user practices. 
Public website profile ID This allows a user to display a third party URL in their profile.
Roles You can select whether you want to give this user System admin permissions and/or make them a key contact. Key contacts are discussed in more detail here.
Status The status of the user, which can be either ActiveArchived or Disabled.
Invited This is the date and time that the user was invited to the instance.
Last login This is the date and time that the user last logged in.

Additionally, you can change a users picture, name and job title.

View profile

Click View profile to view that user's profile.
Edit permissions

To edit a user's permissions, click Edit permissions. The Manage permissions screen is displayed:

From this screen, you can manage the user's access to modules, channels and campaigns. For more information on these roles and permissions, click here.

Set system preferences

To set a users system preference, click Set system preferences. The System preferences screen is displayed:

The system preferences can be changed by a System Administrator, or they can be changed by the user themselves to manage their own system preferences.

Here you can select the language of the system from the following options:

And you can also determine what content the user sees on their dashboard. E.g. If you wanted the user to see all banking news from Africa etc.:

Click Save to save your changes.

Set email preferences

To set a user's email preferences, navigate to More actions > Set email preferences:

The Email preferences screen is displayed:

The email preferences can be changed by a System Administrator, or they can be changed by the user themselves to manage their email preferences.

Here, you can select the frequency that you wish the user to receive emails:

Additionally, you can either select which content that the user will specifically see (or let them choose this themselves) within the Metadata section:

Depending on the metadata selected, the user will receive email alerts with content related to that metadata.

Finally, you have the option to set a users preferences per module. Navigate to the module section:

Each module available to you will be listed. You can select to either Include that module in your email preferences, or add Custom preferences to that module:

If you have selected Custom, an edit button will be displayed:

Click to display the email preferences for that module:

You can set the email preferences for this module. This allows you to override the overall email preferences for a specific module, and receive custom alert emails for a specific module.

Click Save to save all of your changes.

Send an invitation

You can send an invitation to a user at any time - if they are a new or existing user. Navigate to More actions > Send invitation:

The Send invitation screen will be displayed:

There is a default Email subject and Email body, but these can be edited and changed. Additionally, you can choose whether you want to send the invitation now, or schedule the invitation for a future date and time. 

Click Send to send the invitation

Reset password

To send a user an email to reset their password, navigate to More actions > Reset password:

Click Reset password to send a reset password link via email to the user. The following message will display if the message has been sent successfully:

The message will be a variation of the below, with custom images displayed (if they are enabled):

Change domain

To change a users domain, navigate to More actions > Change domain:

If a user's domain is changed to a domain that belongs to another organisation, that user will be moved to that organisation.

The Change domain screen will be displayed:

Search in the field for an existing domain, or add a new domain:

Click Next. The Confirm screen will be displayed:

Click Move to change the users' domain. You will see a confirmation message if the move was successful. 

Archiving a domain

As of our 5.7 release, system and user administrators can now archive a domain via Publisher. Once a domain is archived, a user with this domain remains active, but is unable to log into the system, or receive any emails etc.

Please note that in linked instances, the same applies for access to Publisher

To archive a domain, from within the organisation details, click More actions on the domain you want to archive:

And click Archive domain. The domain will now be archived. The archived domain will still show in the list, but with an Archived label next to it.

To reactivate a domain, click More actions on an archived domain:

And click Make active. This will reactivate the domain.

Please note that Publisher does not support the 'Pending' archive status that Collaborate does. This means the domain will be seen as active via Collaborate, until it is fully archived

Add to group

To manage the group that a user belongs to, navigate to More actions > Add to group:

The Add user to groups screen is displayed:

If the list is long, you can filter it by searching in the search field, or simply just scroll down on the page.

Select the check boxes next to the groups you want to add the user to, and click Add. Once the users are successfully added, the following message will be displayed:

Revoke system admin

To revoke a users system admin status, navigate to More actions > Revoke system admin:

Once you click Revoke system admin, the user's System admin status will be revoked. To reinstate the users System admin status, click the newly displayed Make system admin that will be display in the More actions menu:

Make key contact

To make a user a key contact, navigate to More actions > Make key contact:

Once the user has successfully been made a key contact, the following message will be displayed:

To revoke a users key contact status, navigate to the newly displayed Revoke key contact option in the More actions menu:


To disable a user, navigate to More actions > Disable:

The user will be disabled, rendering them unable to log in or use their account.

To re-activate a user, navigate to the newly displayed Activate button within More actions:

Additionally, the users status will change depending on whether they are disabled or active.


In order to archive a user, navigate to More actions > Archive:

This will archive the user and change their status to archived.

To re-activate a user, navigate to Activate within the More actions menu, as shown above.

Proxy login

The Proxy login option enables you to view the system through the eyes of a specific user. So if they are part of a certain group, you can click proxy login and view exactly what they can see, and you can also commit actions as they would. To proxy login as another user, navigate to More actions > Proxy login:

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