19 Apr 2021

Enable iSheet form sharing

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

You may send a request for information to contributors by sharing an iSheet form via a link or in an email. This form is based on an iSheet and will add a new record to the iSheet when it is submitted.

Follow the steps described below to enable iSheet form sharing

You cannot share a metadata iSheet.

Contact HighQ support

iSheet form sharing must be enabled for your instance by HighQ support. It can be enabled for all system admins, internal admins, or restricted to a selection of admins. Please contact HighQ support to discuss and enable iSheet form sharing.

System admin configuration

To add iSheet Form sharing, a system administrator must first enable it at the system level. Navigate to your Profile > System admin > System settings. Scroll down to iSheet form sharing settings:

Remove the tick from the checkbox next to an option to change it from the default setting. The default setting depends on the access enabled by HighQ support.

  • Enable iSheet form sharing - select which iSheet admins can share an iSheet form.
    • Users or groups with access to iSheet form sharing - only shown if ON for selected admins only is selected above. Enter user or group names to give permission to share iSheet forms from the iSheet module.

Remove the tick from the checkbox next to this option to change it from the default setting ('OFF').

  • Default "Share via email" permission - select the option shown by default when Share iSheet form is selected in an iSheet:
    • Anyone with the link - the link in the email may be shared freely; anyone with the link, including anonymous users, can access the form and enter a record.
    • Anyone with the password - as above, but the form is protected by a password (defined when Share iSheet form is selected). Inform contributors about the password in a separate communication.
    • Recipients must register - recipients without an account must self-register before they can view the form.
    • Specified system users only - Only registered users defined when Share iSheet form is selected can view and enter a record.

Select Restrict to this option only to remove permission to change from the Share via email option set here.

  • Default "Share via link" permission - select the option shown by default when Share iSheet form is selected in an iSheet:
    • Anyone with the link - the link may be shared to anyone, registered or not. Anyone with the link, including anonymous users, can access the form and enter a record.
    • Anyone with the password - the form is protected by a password (defined when Share iSheet form is selected). Inform contributors about the password in a separate communication.
    • Users in my organisation - the link can be opened by users registered on your site.
    • Any registered system user - the link can be opened by users registered on your instance.

Select Restrict to this option only to remove permission to change from the Share via link option set here.

  • Enable captcha - select ON to require a captcha check before the contributor can view the form. This option can be turned off when the iSheet admin prepares to share the form.

Sharing an iSheet that uses iSheet permissions

If you share an iSheet that has iSheet permissions enabled (available in version 5.5.3 onwards), use the Anonymous/Self-registered users system group to set permissions for anonymous and self-registered contributors.

Permissions can be applied both at the column level and the iSheet level. Contributors only see input fields for columns that they have permission to view.

Optional iSheet template configuration 

If your site uses iSheets templates, you can set iSheet form sharing to on or off by default when a new iSheet is created from the template. 

Navigate to your Profile > System admin > iSheet admin.

Select the title (name) of the iSheet template:

Then click Edit (under Properties) for the iSheet that will support form sharing:

Scroll down to iSheet form sharing settings:

Click OK to confirm, then Save.

Site admin configuration

A site admin must enable iSheet Form sharing for each iSheet that will use this feature.

Select Admin, then iSheets (under Module settings). Click the name of the iSheet:

Scroll down and select Enable iSheet form sharing:

Click Save to confirm.

Sharing an iSheet that uses iSheet permissions

If you share an iSheet that has iSheet permissions enabled (available in version 5.5.3 onwards), use the Anonymous/Self-registered users system group to set permissions for anonymous and self-registered contributors.

Permissions can be applied both at the column level and the iSheet level. Contributors only see input fields for columns that they have permission to view.

Sending a form

Open Share an iSheet form for instructions on how to share a form. 


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