23 Jun 2022

Search overview

Almost any type of content can be searched in HighQ, including:

  • the full text of files in the Files module, 
  • wiki pages,
  • tags added to a blog post, etc.

As with the rest of the platform, you can only find content that you also have permission to view.

Please check Get the most from search and Search terms, operators, tags and results for an introduction to using search.

To enable specific features, such as filtering by client and matter number, please contact your HighQ support representative and check that Search using APIs is turned on in System configuration.

In addition, it is possible to make Boolean operators visible in the search field after each search query (i.e.if you search for 'legal document'), it is clarified as 'legal AND document'). Please contact your HighQ support representative to have this feature enabled.

Different areas of a site provide different search tools and functions:

  • From the Dashboard - search all content modules (except iSheets) across every active site that you can access with the search box in the top navigation bar, with All selected

  • From the search results and Advanced Search page - you can limit a search to a specific module across every site where you have access

  • You can search all content modules in a specific site (except iSheets), either from within that site or from the search results page

    • iSheet data is searched separately from other content. iSheet search is described here and here.

  • You can limit a search to a specific module in a specific site from the search results page

Search improvements

As of April 2022, improvements allow you to search for Client or Matter numbers (if entered in General site settings):

  • You may now filter for Client and Matter numbers in general and advanced search
  • You can only enter a client or matter number that exists on your instance (i.e. entered in General site settings)
  • Type to see a list of any matching client or matter number:

  • If you enter multiple client or matter numbers, all applicable results are returned (i.e. it uses an OR function)
  • Client and Matter numbers are not available if you filter by Site

To enable this feature, please contact your HighQ representative and check that Search using APIs is turned on in System configuration.

Searching for comments

As of 5.5, the following improvements have been made when searching for comments:

  • When a user clicks View comment, the user will now be taken to the page and shown the actual comment location on the page, which will be highlighted

We have also released a beta feature you can request to have enabled (via the HighQ Support team) that uses a new search service that improves global search. If enabled, this improves search speed by 60%and you will see the following enhancements:

  • The system will now display an unlimited amount of search results and will no longer stop counting at 500
  • The first 20 results will now be shown as soon as they are available even if the total number is not known
  • The number of results will continue to calculate until the total number is known

Please note that this new search service does not include the ability to use file metadata filters in global search, but you can still use file metadata filters within the advanced search in the files module.



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