23 Jun 2022

HighQ Stream for mobile

HighQ Stream is a messaging and activity app for Android and iOS that integrates with your HighQ instance to provide:

  • Instant secure messaging between all users of an instance
  • View the activity feed to see ongoing activity from all users
  • Receive push notifications for messages and activity
  • Search user profiles and contact information
  • Update your profile

Product retirement for HighQ Stream

We would like to announce the retirement of the HighQ Stream application. The HighQ Stream application is no longer available from application marketplaces and will be turned off on the 15th of October. 

Key Dates

  • End of release of new features: Immediate Effect
  • End of support and removal from Play Store and Apple Store: 31st of August
  • Shutdown of the application for all users: 15th of October

We recommend that you download our HighQ Drive application instead. It's available on multiple platforms

if you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager.

Installing HighQ Stream for mobile devices

Install the app from the Google Play store or the Apple App Store. When you open it for the first time, an authentication screen opens. You need to: 

  1. Input your instance domain. 
  2. Input your username/email and password. 
  3. Enter a one-time passcode sent to your email account. 
  4. Enter and confirm a mandatory six-digit app passcode. 

The Recent Activity screen

After you sign in to your account, the HighQ Stream app shows the Recent Activity screen. This shows recent activity from other users on the instance: 

In the toolbar at the bottom of the screen, you can select ActivityMessages or Notifications.

Filtering the Recent Activity list

Tap the Filter icon (iOS: top left, Android: top right) to filter the activity feed by site, content type and specific people: 

Tap a category and select values or parameters as constraints used to set filters.

You can set the current filters as the default (to use them again in future sessions), as well as restore the original default system filters: 

Tap Apply to apply the filters and refresh the Recent Activity screen. A badge is displayed over the filter icon to indicate how many filters have been applied: 

Opening an item from Recent Activity

Click on any item in the feed to open it on the HighQ site (using your device's browser) or in its associated application, depending on download permissions: 

From Recent Activity, you can like and add a comment to any post: 

If you add a comment, you can also add an attachment, and a photo from the camera or gallery: 

Viewing profiles from Recent Activity

In the recent activity feed, tap a contact name to see the poster's profile page; you can directly EmailMessage or Follow

You can use the tabs at the top of the screen to filter posts in the Recent Activity feed to show only Posts (authored by other users) or Activity (actions and events initiated by other users): 

Creating a new post

Tap the compose button in the Recent Activity screen (iOS: top right, Android: lower right) to write a new microblog post: 

Selecting sites for a post

In the top field, type a site name to search for sites where you can publish a post. You can select one or more sites:

The post is published in the activity feeds of all users who have access to those sites. 

Type the post in the Write a new post section. Use the selection buttons at the bottom of the screen to add photos and attachments: 

Tap the send arrow to publish your post to the selected site or sites.


The Messages screen

Tap Messages in the toolbar to show the Messages screen. This contains all secure, private message conversations with the listed recipients. Use the tabs at the top of the screen to filter between All, Unread and Archived messages: 

Search (iOS: field at top, Android: top-right icon) can be used to search for contacts and message content (relevant messages are filtered as you type): 

Open More actions (iOS: long press on a contact name, Android: tap the three dots icon) to mark a message as read (or unread) or to archive it: 

Archived messages are moved to the Archived tab and removed from your messages list.

Sending a private message

Tap the Compose icon (iOS: top-right, Android: bottom-right) to open the New Message screen: 

Type the recipient's name in the To field. As you type, a list of matching recipients is displayed.

You can send a message to multiple recipients. 

To delete a name from the To field, tap the (for Android, first tap the contact name to highlight it): 

After you add all required recipients, tap Done and type your message. Add photos and attachments if required: 

Once complete, tap the Send icon to send the message. The conversation history screen opens: 

Private messages also appear as push notifications on your device. HighQ Stream notifications can be disabled in the app's Notification Settings.

The Notification screen

Tap Notifications to display an overview of events on the HighQ platform which are relevant to you. For example: 

  • Someone assigned a new task to you
  • Someone commented on content authored by you
  • Someone commented on something you have commented on
  • Someone edits content you have authored
  • Someone edits content you have edited
  • Someone edits or comments on a task assigned to you
  • Someone edits or comments on something you have favourited
  • Someone likes content authored by you
  • Someone likes content you have liked
  • Someone mentions you
  • Someone starts following you

Click an item in the Notification screen to open it (e.g. a task or a wiki) in the device's browser. 

Notification settings and channels

Access Settings from the Notifications screen (iOS: In More actions in the top-right, Android: In Settings in the top-right) to control which notifications are shown and through which channels they are sent, i.e. as Push (directly to your phone), Online (HighQ in the browser) or Email notifications: 

Tap a channel to display a list of all available notification types in that channel. You can toggle each entry on or off: 

Accessing the sidebar menu

Tap the menu icon (top left-hand corner) in any of the main screens to open the sidebar menu. You can:

  • View and edit your profile
  • View and edit app settings
  • Send feedback to your instance administrator
  • Log out of the current instance

Viewing and editing your profile

Tap Profile from the sidebar menu or your avatar to show the main profile screen. This includes:  

  • User name
  • Company
  • Main location
  • Office address
  • Number of followers and users you are following
  • Site membership list

Tap More Actions in the top-right corner of the profile screen to Edit profile and view your Recent activity

In Edit Profile, you can update: 

  • Contact information
  • Personal biography 
  • Skills/specialities
  • External social network and messaging profiles
  • Useful weblinks
  • Experience

In Edit Contact Information you can remove or change your profile image. Tap Change to update your profile image from your device's gallery or camera:  

HighQ Stream settings

Tap Settings from the sidebar menu to: 

  • View the currently connected instance name
  • Log out from the app
  • Switch the local timezone to follow the instance time, rather than your local device time
  • Change the app passcode lock - the six-digit code (or biometric confirmation, if your device supports this) that is requested each time the app is activated
  • View the app version
  • Send feedback to your instance administrator

Sharing files

As of June 2022, you can share a file from any HighQ site, not only from My Files.

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