06 Dec 2019

What is Metadata?

Topics Version 5.4
Product Filter HighQ Publisher
Product Area Filter Publisher modules

Metadata is data you can attach meaning to or tag, to categorise the content. These tags or metadata nodes are customisable and therefore anything that you as a business, use to categorise your content. 

Examples of metadata

Countries / Jurisdictions

  • UK
  • France
  • Switzerland

Practice Areas, Topics, Sectors, Services or Industries of Business

  • Corporate
  • Employment 
  • Brexit


  • Articles
  • Briefings
  • News
  • Analysis

Event Type

  • Webinar
  • Seminar
  • Conference
  • Lunch and Learn

What can you do with Metadata in Publisher? 

Structure of a dashboard

Using this flexible classification framework, Metadata can be used to categorise all content within Publisher to drive the whole structure of the platform, allowing control of what content is shown where:

For example, you can filter on that metadata in content lists:

System preferences

Users can have the ability to see content that they pick, on a dashboard, via Your profile picture > My Preferences. When setting this up on a content list, within System Preferences, select the check box Respect user dashboard preferences for the content list panel to show content:

If a user has not filtered their preferences, then all content will be shown to them but if they have chosen specific metadata labels then only these content pieces will be shown. For example, Joe Patel is interested in content tagged with the countries metadata nod, specifically the "US" label, so that is the content he sees:


Email preferences

Similarly to the System preferences, a user has the ability to receive content they have selected via email via Your profile picture > My preferences. A System admin can select which modules users get alerts for, but each user can set up the frequency that they would like to receive these alerts (Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc), and the type of content they would like to be included in these alerts (Filter by Module & Metadata).

This content is aggregated into a single alert for the time period, and content is listed, grouped by Module.

If a user has not filtered their email preferences then they won't receive an email even if they select an email frequency. However if they have done, then when new content is added with the label that they have selected, they will get emailed making them aware of the fact that they have done so.

Why is Metadata shown everywhere?

Metadata is defined at the system level rather than just module level as it can be defined throughout for many different modules and channels.

Metadata can be shown or hidden from end-users. This means that you can tag anything to allow for this customisable aspect for the system structure, but you can also hide these "nodes" from the end-user, if you don't want them to be able to select preferences for this. 

Quick searching metadata

As of 5.4, we have introduced a search box to enable you to quickly search for your metadata, instead of having to scroll through potentially hundreds of nodes.

To access this new search box, when adding a piece of content, within the Content tab, scroll down to the Metadata section:

The new search box will be displayed. Enter a search term to filter the nodes:

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