01 Nov 2023

Sync Opportunities with the Salesforce Add-in

The Salesforce Add-in eliminates the need to replicate multiple records across Salesforce and in HighQ, saving time and effort.

The Salesforce add-in allows you to create an account record in Salesforce that is automatically added to HighQ. Further changes in either Salesforce or HighQ are synced to the version in the other application.


Creating a new account record in Salesforce

Open your Salesforce instance and select the Accounts tab. Click New in the Recent Accounts section.to create a record in Salesforce. Enter basic information into the account name field:

As information may differ from organisation to organisation, pictures are illustrative only.

Select the record type for the account from the drop-down menu, then Next:

Click Continue to proceed:

Fill in all mandatory fields (marked with a red line in the entry field) and all other known information about the new firm.

Click Save (outlined in red in the image above) to proceed.

After you save the account with all mandatory data fields, the record card looks like this:

Creating an opportunity in Salesforce

Salesforce allows you to create an 'opportunity' for the new record.

Select the Opportunities link on the account record card:

The page opens the Opportunities section, click New Opportunity to add an opportunity.

Select the Record Type of new record from the drop-down list:

For example, select a record type option from the list and click Next to create a new opportunity:

The exact options in your Salesforce instance may be different.

In the New Opportunity record, fill in all mandatory fields (marked with a red line in the entry field) and all other known information about the new opportunity:

In this example, the GSI Opportunity ID is an 18-digit ID that is unique to the customer or client work being carried out, and is normally mandatory. However this might not be set as a mandatory field on your instance. 

Click the Save button at the top of the page:

After you save the record, all information is automatically synced with HighQ and is available to view and edit in HighQ.

Editing the record in HighQ

All the information added in Salesforce - the account and the new opportunity for the account, is now available in HighQ. The transfer is automatic and requires no additional steps.

Open your HighQ instance and select the iSheets module, then the Salesforce iSheet to view all synced opportunities. You can now edit and view these records in HighQ.

New records from Salesforce are visible at the bottom of the iSheets list. 

Open the iSheets module in a new browser page, or reload the page, if the record is not yet visible.

The iSheet can be filtered and sorted as required.

To edit a synced record in HighQ, click the More actions icon (triple dots) next to the record.

The More actions menu allows you to view Details of the record in a larger view, Share the record with other colleagues, Edit the record to make further changes, Copy the record to make a duplicate, and Delete the record if there are any issues with it.


The details option opens the record in a new window, providing full details of the newly created opportunity.


Share a record with a colleague, so that they can view the item and add any additional information.


Edit allows you to make changes to the record.

When you select Edit from the More actions menu, a new window opens with details of the opportunity.

This form allows you to enter any remaining customer information, such as the Business Unit and Region. The window includes the Financials area, where you can add Contract Value and Addendums. All the areas to fill in are optional in this example. 

Note that the Contract Term is measured in months in HighQ, while Salesforce measures this in years, so for example, 48 months in HighQ is displayed as 2 years in Salesforce. 

Uploading documents

The Edit record window also allows you to upload and attach contracts and supplementary documents from a file location such as a shared drive. To upload a supporting document, select the Browse button:

Navigate to the file, select it and click Open.

The document is scanned for viruses and uploaded. A green status bar shows when the upload is Done:

When you have filled in all required fields for the Opportunity and all supporting documents have been uploaded, click Save.

The new data is now available on the main iSheets page, along with any supporting documents. Further edits can be made in the same way.

The updated opportunity is automatically synced with Salesforce.


Copy allows you to duplicate a record. For example, you can duplicate a record that is similar to a desired record, then Edit the new record to change the name and adjust values. 


Select delete and then select OK to remove a record from the iSheet.

This does not remove the opportunity in Salesforce.


Reviewing the record in Salesforce

To view all the changes made in HighQ, navigate to your Salesforce instance and refresh the page. Click on the account name of the updated account.

The Opportunities section shows an overview of the last edit:

The opportunity includes all changes, including attached supporting documents in the Notes and Attachments section:


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