15 Sept 2019

Move files and folders

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Files

Content, Site and System administrators (only) can move files and folders to a different location in the Files module.

If you do not have the required permissions, please contact your admistrator.

Select files or a folder to be moved

To move one or more files or folders, select the items you wish to move using the related checkboxes, then navigate to Action > Move/Copy. Any number of files and subfolders within the same folder can be moved at the same time.

Select destination folder

You see a list of folders. Select the destination folder for the move action.

The destination folder cannot include any of the subfolders selected to be moved.

  • The folder list is displayed as a tree hierarchy of folders and subfolders
  • Folders that contain subfolders will display an arrow to the left of the folder icon
  • Click the arrow to view the subfolders below

Select the desired destination folder and click Copy to move the files(s) and/or subfolder(s) into the selected folder.

If a subfolder is being moved, the entire contents of the subfolder will be moved.

Drag and drop

In the Files module, you can move and rearrange existing files and folders within the main pane:

Drag and drop the folder to the location you want.

After the successful move, the user will be returned to the destination folder showing the files and/or subfolders in their new location.

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