29 Jul 2019

System generated columns in iSheets

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

By default, every iSheet includes four system generated fields, which are automatically populated columns which cannot be manually updated. There is one exception detailed below. System generated columns are listed at the bottom of the Manage columns page:

These system-generated fields include the following:

If Enable modified date override is ON for the iSheet, any user with edit rights to an iSheet item can edit the default Modified date.

Although the values in these fields cannot be edited, except for the modified date exception detailed above, the properties of these fields can be configured like other columns, including:

  • Choosing whether to include these columns in views
  • Allowing these columns to be searched
  • Changing the column's name
  • Changing the column’s width
  • Any other changes applicable to the particular type of column, such as changing the date format for the Creation date or changing the field display to an email address or username for Created by.

System generated fields appear at the bottom of iSheet items when viewing or editing record details. If an iSheet has sections configured, system-generated columns are displayed at the bottom in a Section labeled Default when viewing or editing the record:

There are additional system-generated columns for file and folder metadata iSheets, discussed in subsequent articles.

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