29 Jul 2019

Export and share iSheets

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

iSheet data may be exported, which may be helpful to support various use case requirements, for example:

  • if there is a need to share the iSheet data collected with people who do not have access to the site,
  • if the iSheet information needs to be formatted, transformed or presented outside of the iSheet in a more attractive way, or
  • if the iSheet data needs to be consumed by other systems in your organisation using the XML export.

File and folder metadata iSheets may also be exported.

Each view of an iSheet includes an Export option, which can be accessed from the iSheet view under More actions > Export.

All users are granted view, print and export access to all views in an iSheet by default. Unless their view permissions are restricted, users may export all of the data found in an iSheet into one of three formats:

  • XLSX
  • CSV
  • XML

Site Admins have an additional option, to export an Import template

Select a format and click Export to download the file:

The exported file is named ItemData with the relevant file suffix, such as ItemData.xlsx.

The iSheet items that are exported depend upon the current view of the iSheet. Therefore, if a view has filters applied, only those rows that match the view filters will be exported. Likewise, if a search has been run, the export will only include rows in the search result.

Only columns in the current view of the iSheet will be included in XLSX, CSV and XML format exports. Import templates include all columns except lookup columns, regardless of the columns configured in the current view.

Exports also respect any permission restrictions a user may have; any items or columns a user does not have access to will not appear in the export. 

Once the file has been generated, the file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.

Export Example

The CSV and XML export formats will request to save the file directly to your computer, via the browser you are using. The file is always called 'ItemData', with an appropriate file suffix.

The data that is exported is determined by the current view of the iSheet. If a search has been performed, the export will only include:

  • The rows in the search result
  • The data that the exporting user can see:
    • The columns included in the view definition (subject to any further restrictions on individual columns that apply to you)
    • The rows of data that are restricted by any filters in the view (subject to further restrictions on rows of data that apply to you)

All rows of data the user has access to will be included.

All the items in the view are exported, not just the ones shown on the page.

In Excel, the export file includes full column headings:

Certain column types cannot be fully exported:

  • Multiple line text (Allow rich HTML text) - In XLSX and CSV formats, no formatting except for line breaks, are exported. In XML and Import template formats, the text with full HTML markup is exported.
  • Image - Only the name of the image file (image as attachment) or image path (image as URL) is exported
  • Attachment - Only the name of the attachment is exported; multiple attachment names are separated by a comma and a single line break
  • File link and Folder link - Only the name of the file or folder is exported; multiple file or folder names are separated by a comma and a single line break
  • iSheet link - Only the link name is exported; multiple link names are separated by single line breaks
  • Lookup - Only text values of lookup columns are exported; multiple selections are separated by single line breaks
  • Join - Only the link text is exported
  • File and Folder fields in file and folder metadata iSheets - Only the file and folder names are exported

If there are multiple values in a multiple selection choice column, the values will be separated by single line breaks in the export. Hyperlink columns will be created as linked cells in the export.

Sharing iSheets

You can share a specific iSheet via email, link, private message or microblog. Navigate to More actions > Share:

The Share screen is displayed:

Here you can choose to share via email, link, message or microblog. Once you have selected the method, click Send to send the iSheet.

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