17 Jul 2019

Blog home page

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Blog

The home page of the Blog module for a site contains up to three separate content areas:

  • In the right panel, a list of recent blog posts, sorted in reverse chronological order. These posts are from all categories available to the user.
  • In the left panel:
    • At the top is the list of blog categories available to the user and the number of blog posts in each of those categories. (A blog post can be added to more than one category, so adding the numbers in brackets may exceed the total number of unique blog posts.) Click on a category to filter the list of blogs shown in the middle to just ones in that category
    • Optionally At the bottom, a tag cloud of tags added to blog posts, unless the site administrator has hidden the tag cloud. Click on a tag to filter the list of blogs shown in the middle to just ones with that tag

Each of these content areas is discussed in more detail below.

Recent blog posts

The content area on the right hand side of the page shows a list of the blog posts that match the filters (category or date) that are applied, in reverse chronological order. By default, when the Blog module is accessed, no filters are applied and all blog posts are displayed. Here are some of the features of the content area:

  • Category filter - If a category has not been selected, the title of this section will be Recent posts. Otherwise, the title is the category that was selected from the left or the month and year that was selected from the archives
  • Blog title - Every blog listed includes the blog title, which acts as a link to the full blog post
  • Author, date posted and category - Every blog listed includes the name of the author, the date and time that the blog post was posted (meaning, last modified) and which category that post is in. The author's name is a link to their profile page, which will show a list of their site activity.

The site administrator can choose to hide the author and/or date of every blog post. In that case, the author and date information will not be revealed, although that information may be revealed elsewhere, such as in the site Activity module

  • Blog content snippit - Every blog post listed includes an snippit of the full blog post, plus a Read more... link to the full blog post
  • Comments - Assuming that commenting has been enabled for the Blog module, for each blog listed, the number of comments is shown. (Please note that a blog author can turn off commenting for a particular blog.) The number of comments is a link to the full blog post, which will be scrolled down to the comments section.
The Blog module employs infinite scrolling, so when you scroll down the page more and more blog posts will be shown. There is no limit to the number of blog posts on a single page.
In addition to those features, and assuming you have permission, the Add button will be displayed which allows you to create a new blog post. If the list of blogs shown on this page are filtered by a category, then the new blog form will have that category pre-selected.

Categories and Archives

On the top left of the page is a list of all of the current blog categories:
Each category shows the number of blog posts in that category that are available to you. By default, the Blog module displays blog posts from all existing categories.  The My drafts category will displayed at the top if a user has created any draft blog posts and drafts are discussed in greater detail here.  If the user clicks on a category, that will filter the blog posts that are shown in the middle section to that category. The selected blog category will be highlighted:
Similarly, in the lower left is a list of the blog archives, grouping blog posts by month and year, shown in reverse chronological order, for the past 12 months:

Click on any month in the archive section and the post shown in the main panel will be limited just to that month:

Tag Cloud

The tag cloud on the lower left of the page shows all of the tags used in all of the blogs that are available to you.

The site administrator may choose to hide the tag cloud.

The tags shown in the tag cloud are not filtered by a category or month that the user has used to filter the blogs shown in the main panel. The tag cloud lists all of the tags in alphabetical order, but indicates the relative popularity of each tag by adjusting its font size. Larger tags appear in more blog posts.

Clicking on any tag will return the search results of all blog posts with the selected tag in that site:

Filtering categories on a smartphone

When viewing blogs on a smart phone, navigate to More actions > Browse posts to display the Browse posts screen:

Here, you can access the archives and other categories.

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