17 Nov 2020

Add comments to an iSheet record

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

As of version 5.5, you may now add comments to iSheet records that may be accessed by any user that has access to the iSheet records in the iSheets module.

To add a comment to an iSheet record, select More actions > Add comment:

The Details screen opens with the Comment section selected:

Enter a comment in the comment box. You may add basic text formatting, such as bold, italic, and underlined text, as well as create lists and control indentation. You can also add hyperlinks to text and insert images. Click Post to submit your comment or Cancel to cancel the comment.

Mentions and hashtags

All comment fields can include @mentions and #hashtags. To @mention a user, enter the @ symbol and then start to enter the name of the user you want to mention from the list of matching users shown.

Once the comment has been posted, the mentioned user's name is displayed as a link to the user's profile.

Multiple @mentions can be included in a single comment and once the comment has been posted, a user who has been mentioned can be notified about the comment if, (a) the user has configured their notification settings appropriately and, (b) the user has access to the underlying content to which the comment relates.

Similarly, tags can be added to comments using the #hashtag format. Enter the # symbol followed by your tag. A list of any matching tags will be presented but please note that new tags cannot be added this way.

Click on a tag to search for items that use the tag.

Submitted comments

After the comment is submitted, a Comment icon appears next to the More actions icon for the record. This also shows how many comments are present (you may need to refresh the page to update the number).

If there are many comments, click Load more comments to expand the comments section.

If a comment is very long, only the first few lines will be displayed, click more to view all of the comment.

The comment will display the author and when it was published (relative to the current date). You may like (if this has been enabled on the instance), edit, delete or reply to a comment. 

 A user can edit their own comments and replies and administrators can edit any comments and replies.

Reply to comments

You can click Reply to reply to another comment, this displays another comment window at the bottom of the list of comments. The name of the person you are replying to is prepopulated in the comment box.

Like an email thread, there can be any number of replies to replies and all comments and any replies appear one after the other in chronological order. The prepopulated name of the recipient of the reply is used to indicate that a reply was posted. (The recipient of the reply may receive an email notification as well, depending on how they have configured their notifications.)

Deleting comments and replies

Select Delete to delete your own comments and replies (administrators can delete any comments and replies).

You will receive a confirmation prompt to ensure you want to delete the comment, click Delete to delete the comment:

Printing a record with comments

You can print (or export to PDF) a single record with all comments. See Print records or export an iSheet as a PDF for more information.


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