16 Jul 2019

Access and edit wiki pages

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Product Area Filter Wiki

Any page in the Wiki module can be accessed using the tree-view navigation on the left.

If the left panel has been hidden by the site administrator, the author of a page will typically need to send a link to other users in order for them to find the page.

You may only have access to certain pages, based on how permissions have been configured.

Read-Only Page View

As long as you have access to the page you will see the read-only view of that page by default. The read-only view of a page contains:

  • Page title
  • Page info - To view a wiki's page info, navigate to More actions > Info:

The Info screen will be displayed:

This Overview tab gives you information about the wiki page, including who created and last updated the wiki page, which version of the page it is, a link to the page and any tags that are associated with the page. The Versions tab displays all versions of the page and provides options to compare versions and restore the wiki to a previous version:

And the Attachments tab shows all attachments in the wiki page:

To view more attachment information, click the name of the attachment.

  • More actions - The options available here depend on a user's permissions and the features that have been enabled for the Wiki module. These actions include:

Many of these options are available throughout Collaborate, such as sharing a page via email or a link.

  • Favourites - Toggle whether you want this wiki page in your favourites or not.

  • Content Area - This is the main content area of the page, where information can be formatted. It can include tables, images, videos and embedded Collaborate content from other modules and sites.

  • Tags and Attachments - If there are any tags or attachments on this page, they will be listed here.

  • Comments and Likes - If the Site Administrator enabled comments for the Wiki module and the author of the page allowed comments, then the Comments section will be displayed. 

  • Any user with view rights to the task is able to add a comment, reply to or like comments
  • Comments are listed at the bottom
  • It is possible to reply to an existing comment by clicking Reply (and there can be replies to replies, etc.)
  • Every user is able to edit or delete their own comments and replies
  • If a comment or reply is deleted, any replies to the deleted comment or reply will also be deleted

Comments and replies are not included in the PDF version of the page.

If you have edit rights to the page, the Edit option will be available.

Inline editing

Hover the cursor over the title name and click Edit to edit the title of a wiki page.

Make your changes and click the tick to save them:

Editing a Page

Click Edit to display the following screen:

This displays a page identical to the create page form, except, there will be existing content on the page. The user can:

  • Change the page title

  • Edit the content area

  • Add or remove attachments

  • Add or remove tags

  • Change the page permissions

  • Move the page to a new location

  • Change the page policy concerning comments.

    • If the policy is changed from allowing to not allowing comments, any existing comments will simply be hidden, not deleted.

Once changes have been made, click Save, which will create a new version of the page. The user who took the action will be listed as the last user to modify the page in the read-only page view.

When editing a wiki page, you can choose to save it as a draft instead of publishing it immediately, and you can also change the notification settings that apply to the action of updating the wiki page. If workflow approval has been enabled, any changes will need to be approved by an administrator.

You can also now edit wiki body content by clicking Edit in the top-right corner:

Comparing Pages

Every change made to the content section of a page is tracked by Collaborate. To compare two versions of a wiki page, click Compare:

This displays the Compare screen:

This will display a comparison between the current version of the page and the immediate prior version. The legend provides information on what is new, what has been changed and what has been removed.

The other method of comparing two versions accessed via Info > Versions:

Select two versions to compare and click Compare. You can also Restore an older version here. 

Copying an Existing Wiki Page

You can also copy a wiki page from the More actions menu:

When selected, a new wiki page form will be displayed with content from the original wiki page (including tags, attachments and permissions), the only difference being the phrase Copy of is added to the new page title. The page can be edited like any other. Once saved, the new page will be a child page of the original page, but the new page can be moved elsewhere in the wiki page hierarchy. The user who copied the original will be listed as the author.

Export to PDF and Print Preview

Export to PDF

You can also export the wiki page to pdf from the More actions menu:

You can use this option to export the wiki page and, optionally, any of its descendant (children, grandchildren, etc.) pages as a PDF file. The Export to PDF screen will be displayed asking how many levels of children to include and whether to include an index of all of the pages:

The system will take a moment to generate the PDF file, which will then be saved or opened automatically on the user's computer, given a name that is the same as the title of the page on which the export was initiated. 

Print Preview

The Print preview option is also available from the More actions menu:

Print preview works much in the same way as Export to PDF, except that instead of exporting the current page (and any of its children) into a PDF file, those pages are concatenated into a single HTML page, which opens in a new window. 

Neither Export to PDF and Print preview will include any comments that were added to any of the wiki pages include.

Deleting Pages 

You can also delete a wiki page from the More actions menu:

Click Delete to delete the current page but not any of its descendant pages. Confirm that you want to delete the wiki page:

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