29 Jul 2019

System reports

Click your profile icon to find System reports

System reports list

Select System reports to open the Site Summary report page. 

There are several reports available to System Admin users:

Site summary report

This report shows the total size of each document. It can be filtered by document size to ignore smaller files. Sort the report listing by document size to see which files are the largest.

My files report

This report shows how much of your licensed storage quota is being used by each user. This is essential for finding out which users are using the most quota. When nearing this limit it is a good way of knowing which users to contact to examine their storage requirements. 

User summary report

This report shows which users haven't logged in and are not actively using the system. This allows System Admins to repurpose licenses and add other users to the system. 

Additional columns show a link to a list of the Sites a user can access along with their role, System groups that include the user and the Roles assigned to the user.

User login report

This report shows an audit of who has logged in, the date of the login, the organisation of the user, if two-factor authentication was used, and the IP address of the user. 

Login failure report

This report shows who has tried to log into the system and failed. This is good for security and also for understanding which users are having issues when logging in. 

Subject Access Request

The advanced search link searches for a specific text subject. For the areas not covered by the advanced search (iSheets, Q&A and drafts) enter search criteria in the subject box then click Run Report

A Subject Access Report will be created. 

The report displays all occurrences where the search criteria have been found in the system. It includes a link to where this information can be found so users can decide whether to remove this, update it, or keep it. 

Media status report

This report lists media files that are successfully converted, the files that are in progress, which files are awaiting conversation, and which files have failed the conversion.

For more information see Multi-media playback.

Doc auto templates report

This report provides data on template use across the instance. It can show templates enabled on each site and indicates how many documents are generated from Contract Express templates on individual sites.

Select the type of filter (Site or Template) to either show all templates on the selected site, or which sites use the selected template.

For more information see Doc auto templates report.

OCR usage report

This report shows you OCR usage over a yearly basis. You can see how many documents have been successfully OCR'd and then drill down further to see what these documents were. You can also see the documents that were not successful alongside the author of the document, the date, and the reason for the failure. 

Using the failure report information allows you to decide if you want to update those documents and add a new version to trigger the OCR of the document again. 

For more information see Site audits and reports and the OCR FAQs.


Filtering and sorting

Column titles at the top of each report display various options that can be used for sorting.

Each of these column titles can be sorted A-Z, or higher and lower depending on what type of information is in the column. Click on the arrow icon next to the column you want to sort. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page to view any further columns that are not shown.

The search filter allows you to enter criteria to search for a user. The more criteria entered the fewer results are returned and more exact the search results will be. Use the Filter icon to further filter the results.

The filter options available will change depending on the report you are filtering. Open the filter groups by using the arrow to choose the filter options. Use the Clear filters option at the bottom to remove any filtering. 


The Export button is found underneath the report name. 

Click Export to export a copy of the report. A message lets you know the file is downloading. 

Click Open to review the exported file. 

The report is displayed in your browser window (depending on your setup).

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