13 Aug 2019

Import users in bulk in Publisher

To import users in bulk, navigate to System admin > Users, organisations & groups > Users

The following screen is displayed:

Click Bulk upload:

The Bulk upload screen is displayed:

Click Download Sample Format to download a sample xls and follow the instructions for the fields described below.

Bulk uploading fields

You will need to configure your bulk upload file using the following fields, some of which are mandatory: 

  • Contact ID - This refers to the External ID of the user. This can be as simple as sequential numbering or an ID from an external CRM etc. For instance, for the first entry, you would set the Contact ID as '1' and the second entry would be '2', etc. This field is required.
  • CUP ID - This refers to GUID of the organisation.
  • CUP name - This refers to organisation name, used to identify which organisation the user is part of in the system. This field is required.
  • Department - This is a metadata node. Once you have added this node, it will also need to be added to the upload document in the same format
  • Office ID - This can be added if you know what the office location ID is. To add an Office location address and ID, navigate to via System admin > Organisation > Edit details > Address. The Office location ID must be unique across all office locations in the system, irrespective of them being associated with different organisations.

Please take note of the following:

  • If the organisation is not currently in the system and is being created, a CUP ID must be provided
  • All users need to have a unique contact ID (first column) and this cannot be the same as a user that already has a profile in the system. If the user is already in the system, they will need to have their contact ID matched from the system, ensuring the users record is updated
  • The Organisation ID must be populated with the organisation name. (And ensure records for the duplicate organisation are the same)
  • Check which users are already stored in the system. If a user's email address is already in the system, the upload will fail
  • Office phone numbers must use the $ symbol. For example:
    • Contact number $$1234567890
    • Area number $22$1234567890
    • Country area number 11$22$1234567890

Please note that there is no limit on file sizes when bulk uploading users

The following screencap shows what a very simple bulk upload .xls file would look like. The columns in red are required. In this example, Company Ltd is a new organisation so a CUP ID is required. 

Upload your file

Once your user xls file is configured as above, click Browse and add your file.


You have three options relating to sending invite emails to the users that you're in the process of adding. 

  • Don't send invitation - no invites will be sent at this stage. You can invite users via System Admin > Users, organisations & groups > Users at a later date
  • Send invitation now - invites will be sent once the bulk upload file has successfully been imported
  • Schedule invitation for - invites will be sent based on the date and time selector field

Include leaver management - If this checkbox is selected then users currently in the system that are not in the bulk upload file will be removed. Only select this if the bulk user file you're uploading contains users already in the system that you want to retain, in addition to new users. Anyone not in the bulk upload file will be removed.

Error messages

Please note, during the March 2023 release we have implemented improvements to the email validation when bulk uploading users. The following email addresses will now be classed as invalid:

  • Firstname.surname@harrow&hope.com 
  • Barrett.Colby@harrowandhope_1.com 
  • Firstname..lastname@harrowandhope.com 
  • o   jfirstnamelastname@ harrowandhope.com 
  • Firstname.lastname.@ harrowandhope.com

There are several error messages you may encounter whilst bulk uploading users in Publisher. The list below contains each of these scenarios and what you can do to rectify the issues:

You need to add a unique contact ID for each user within the sheetOffice ID at [line number=""] is associated with other organisation in the system

Error message Description Recommend fix
First Name is missing in [row number=""] You have added a user without a First name You need to add a First name in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
Last Name is missing in [row number=""] You have added a user without a Last name You need to add a Last name in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
Email address is missing in [row number=""] You have added a user without an Email address You need to add an email address in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
Organisation Name does not exist at [line number=""] in the Sheet You have added a user without an Organisation name You need to add an Organisation name in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
Unique Identifier is missing in [row number=""] You have added a user without a Contact ID   You need to add a Contact ID in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
Please enter a correct email address at [line number=""] You have added a user with the wrong, or an invalid email address (e.g. unsupported characters or an invalid domain)  You need to add the correct email in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
Email address at [line number=""] already exists in the system You have added a user and have used an existing user's email address You need to add a new email address for the new Contact ID user in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
The Email Address entered at [line number=""] already exists in the sheet You have added a user and the email address entered is a duplicate email address that already exists within the sheet You need to add a unique email address for the new Contact ID user in the Bulk upload sheet at row number
Organisation domain (domain name) is mapped with more than one CUP ID at You have added the same domain for multiple organisations within the bulk upload sheet You need to add a different domain for the different organisations in the bulk upload sheet
Contact ID at [line number=""] already exists in the Sheet You have added a user with a duplicate Contact ID which already exists within the sheet
Office ID at [line number=""] does not exist in the system You have added a user in the system with a different Office ID for  the given organisation You need to add the correct Office ID of the given organisation at [given line="" number=""] in the Bulk upload sheet
You have added a user in the system with another organisation's Office ID You need to add a unique Office ID of the given organisation at [line number=""] in the Bulk upload sheet
More than one organisations mapped with same CUP ID You have added a different organisation name with the same CUP ID in the bulk upload sheet You need to add a different CUP ID for the different organisation 
Organisation CUP ID is mandatory for a user with exception domain or new domain at [row number=""] in the Sheet You have added a user  with an exception domain or new domain but without a CUP ID within the internal organisation You need to add a CUP ID in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
Organisation domain (domain name) already associated with other organisation at row number in Sheet You have added a user with a different organisation's domain (i.e Organisation 2) and CUP name (i.e Organisation 1), CUP ID (i.e Organisation 1)  You need to add a user with a domain of org1 in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
The Contact ID is already associated with other organisation at [row number=""] in the Sheet You have updated a user with a different organisation's user Contact id (i.e Organisation 2) and CUP name (i.e Organisation 1), domain (i.e Organisation 1) without a CUP ID in sheet You need to add a user with a new Contact ID in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
The Organisation domain (domain name) is already associated with another organisation at [row number=""] in the Sheet You have updated a user with an Existing Contact ID (i.e Organisation 1) CUP name (i.e Organisation 1), Organisation's domain (i.e Organisation 2) without CUP ID You need to add a user with the same organisation's domain in the Bulk upload sheet at [row number=""]
Please remove script OR object OR applet OR iframe from the given input in [row number=""] You have added a user the in system which contains a script tag in the Data (i.e [script]Mi[/script] ) You need to remove the script tag and add the correct data in the bulk upload sheet
Invalid format of xls/xlsx file You have uploaded an invalid format of xls/xlsx file Select the correct CSV or Excel file for the user bulk upload
Please enter a correct email address at line You have entered an invalid email address Ensure the invalid email address is removed, based off the examples shown in the note above this table


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