09 Nov 2023

Doc auto templates report

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Contract Express, Admin

The Doc Auto templates report provides data on template use across the instance. It can show templates enabled on each site and indicates how many documents are generated from Contract Express templates on individual sites.

This allows you to measure the success of your templates and make informed decisions for greater efficiency and productivity, including how to drive engagement or when to retire templates.

The report provides :

  • Which sites have enabled Contract Express
  • Which templates are enabled on each site
  • Which templates are being used, or not used
  • How many documents are generated by each Contract Express template

Select the type of filter, Site or Template.

Find templates used in a selected site

Select Site, then select a site from the Select site menu, to show all templates on the selected site. 

You may only select Active sites.

The window displays a list of templates on the selected site:

  • Site  - the selected site in the main filter

  • Template name - the name of the template
  • Related template - the original name of the template in Contract Express, if the template name was changed in 'Name in category'
  • Access - shows if access to the template has been added for Internal users, or for Public access
  • Profile - shows the profile set in Contract Express.
  • Docs created - the total number of documents created with this template. This number does not include child documents created by a parent document.
  • Status - Active or Archived

For reference: 'Profile' and 'Name in category' in Contract Express:

Find sites that use a selected template

Select Template, then select a template from the Select template menu, to show all sites that use the selected template. 

The window displays a list of sites that use the template:

  • Site  - the name of the site that uses the selected template
  • Template name - the name of the selected template

  • Related template - the original name of the template in Contract Express, if the template name was changed in 'Name in category'
  • Access - shows if access to the template has been added for Internal users, or for Public access
  • Profile - shows the profile set in Contract Express.
  • Docs created - the total number of documents created with this template on this site. This number does not include child documents created by a parent document.
  • Status - Active or Archived

For reference: 'Profile' and 'Name in category' in Contract Express:

Filter results

Select the Filter button to filter the list by Template name, Status, AccessSite, or Created date.

If you select Site as the main filter, the additional Site filter is not applicable, and you may only filter by templates used in the selected site.

If you select Template as the main filter, the additional Template filter is not applicable, and you may only filter by sites that use the selected template.

Export as an Excel file

Click Export to export the current list as an Excel file.

A notification is displayed:

When the download finishes, you can open the Excel file:

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