10 Jul 2019

Create a site template

Site templates can only be created by system administrators. However, once a site template is created, any user who is a site administrator of that template, can fully configure the template's features. 

You can create a template in two ways:

Whichever method is used to create the template, once the site template is created, the system administrator will be taken to the Admin tab for the new site template, where the site template can be configured.

What is, or isn't, included in the site template?

When a template is created from an existing site, it will include the following aspects of the site:

  • all site configuration settings (except the files inbox setting), including site notices
  • any folders
  • blog and event categories and task lists
  • users and groups
  • permission settings applied to all modules, including on folders, blog/event categories and task lists
  • Home module content
  • Workflow rules
  • HighQ Forms configuration
  • Native HighQ AI and Kira engine configuration including folders and mapping to iSheets columns

However, the following categories of content from the site will not be added to the new template that is created:

  • files
  • wiki pages
  • blog posts, tasks and events
  • questions (and answers) in the Q&A module
  • microblog posts and comments
  • Some third-party AI config for sites, iSheets and folders will not be copied over (i.e. Leverton, Eigen). The new site will need to be reconfigured to work with these AI engines.

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