16 Jul 2019

Wiki settings

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Admin

The Wiki settings allow you to enable the Wiki module and its additional settings.

Configuring the Wiki

  • Allow comments - This setting determines whether or not comments may be allowed on a wiki page. If allowed, a wiki page author can still determine whether to allow comments on a particular wiki page. If comments already exist on a wiki page and this setting is deselected, the existing comments will be hidden but not deleted.
  • Allow PDF export - This setting determines whether or not any of the pages of a wiki can be exported to PDF. Please note, that a page and some or all of its child pages can be included in the PDF export. This setting is enabled as default.
  • Enable approval workflow - Enabling this setting ensures publishing approval is required for any new wiki pages or changes to any existing wiki pages made by anyone other than an Administrator. When a page is created or edited, it will not be published immediately, but instead, Site and Content Administrators for the site will be given the opportunity to accept or reject the page and once accepted, the page will be immediately published. You can use Set Notifications to determine which Site and Content Administrators have the right to approve or reject a new page and the default setting is for all Administrators to have this permission. Here is more information regarding a discussion on approval workflow.  
  • Hide left navigation panel - Use this setting to hide the wiki left navigation and create more space on the page. If the left navigation is hidden, the tree view of all of the pages in the wiki and the tag cloud will not be displayed.
  • Hide metadata - Every wiki page contains metadata, including; the author, the date it was created, the last person to modify the page and date the page was last modified, along with any tags added to the page. In addition, there is a button to compare versions of the wiki page. Selecting the Hide Metadata checkbox will hide that information and the comparison feature from users who have only view access rights to a wiki page. Users with edit rights can always see that information.
  • Hide tag cloud - A tag cloud is a visual representation of all of the tags used in the Wiki module. By default it will appear in the left navigation unless it is hidden.

Click Save to save any changes.

Wiki page example

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