02 Aug 2019

View imported data in Data Visualisation

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Dashboards

There are two ways of using data imported from the AI engines. Click here to read how to use the data in a file metadata iSheet.

You will need to have configured the AI engines initially. 

Another way to use the imported data is in Data Visualisation. On the Home page, whilst in Edit mode, 

click the plus icon to add a new section.

The Add panel window displays, choose Data visualisation.

The Add panel - Data visualisation window displays.

Enter a panel title and choose the site where the AI engine is being used. In the Source field choose Viewing imported data in Data Visualisation Analysis and then choose the AI engine. Choose how to display your data by selcting the chart type and finally, choose if this information should be displayed on mobile devices. Within this window a chart preview displays where you can further customise your data by adding a category, value and a filter. See below for more information about these options:

  • Category: The category option dictates how you want to group data together. Different types of charts show the category in different ways. In pie charts it is displayed as the slice of pie and in column charts it is the data grouped on the X-axis. 
  • Value: The value is the size of each category. This allows you to understand the data represented by your chart. Different calculations are available, depending on what you want to compare such as count, sum, average or (in KPI series) the average count.
  • Filter: Filters allow you to show particular information in your chart. Select the field you want to filter values from, and then use the drop down arrow to select the specific values in that field that you want to include in your chart. If values are not selected, they will not be included in the chart. You can add multiple filters on different fields to narrow down the data in your chart.
  • Series: Some chart types can show a series option. The series splits each category into separate subs sections, where the size of the sub section is a proportion of the total value for the category. If you add all the series together in a category, it will equal the total for the category. 

The preview will display what the finished chart would look like.

Press Save to add the panel to your home page. 

Only a few fields are available for data visualisation directly from the AI Hub. To visualise more data,  such as custom Kira fields, import the desired fields into an file metadata iSheet and visualise from the iSheet instead.

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