04 Feb 2020

Using AI with Site templates

As of 5.3, we have introduced the ability to Save, Export, Import and use a Site template that contains HighQ AI settings. As of 5.4 we have added the ability to retain these settings for the Kira AI engine.

Saving the site as a template with AI enabled

When saving a site that has AI enabled, as a template, the AI configuration, folder settings and the iSheet column import mapping will be included in the template.

Importing a Site template ZIP with AI enabled

When importing an exported site template ZIP with AI enabled, the AI configuration, folder settings and the iSheet column import mapping is included in the Site template.

Creating a site from a Site template with AI configuration

When creating a site from a Site template with AI configuration, the AI configuration, folder settings and the iSheet column mapping is included in the new site.

Note for Kira admins: a new Kira site will be created for each Kira project created from the template.

For more information on setting up AI within your instance, please contact the HighQ support desk.

For more information on Site templating, click here.

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