16 Jul 2019

People settings in Collaborate

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Admin

People settings allow you to enable the People module and its additional settings. Here you can choose which organisations and people to display based on user groups. 

Configuring the People module

Access the people module settings by navigating to Admin > Module settings > People. The following screen is displayed:

The People module lists every user who has been added to the site and is grouped by organisation. The administrative page is used to configure the fields of information about the users that will be shown in the People module. The user's name and organisation are always displayed by default and the name is a link to the user's profile page. The other fields shown above, are optional.

These settings are not used to restrict what information a user can view about another user.

Many of these fields will always be available on a user's profile page.  Hiding certain fields from appearing in the People module is provided solely for UI purposes in the specific site.

In addition, the Site Administrator can determine which organisations (and their members) will be displayed. By default, all organisations are selected to be displayed, but this can be overridden. Even if all organisations are removed from the People module, Site Administrators will still be listed. If this page is going to be empty, navigate to the Modules administrative page and remove the People module from being displayed entirely. Hiding the People module or removing certain organisations will not necessarily hide those users' names throughout the site. If a user uploads a file or makes a comment on a wiki page, their name will appear for others to see. If a user's name should not appear anywhere on the site, first, make sure the user's organisation is removed from the People module. Second, do not let this user make any changes to the site by giving them read-only access to the site and turning off commenting on any modules they have access to.

If the People module is disabled on a site, then the Share via email option will not be displayed within the site.

Click Save to save all of your changes.

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