29 Jul 2019

iSheets - Manage item drafts

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

The Draft items view is displayed in the list of views if you have draft records either auto-saved by the system or manually saved using Save as draft:

If an iSheet has only one view, the view drop down will not appear until a user has at least one draft item saved. When a user has drafts, the default view will appear along with the Draft items view.

Draft items view

The Draft items view lists all of your saved draft items. The system generated Status field indicates if the draft was automatically saved by the system (Auto-saved) or manually saved by the user (Draft).

Users can make further edits to their drafts via More actions > Edit. After editing a draft, you have the same options to save or discard the draft by clicking the x button, as described above. Discarding the draft item from the drafts view will delete the draft. Drafts items are saved and available in the Draft items view until you save them into the iSheet, or delete them.

If you attempt to edit an item within the iSheet, that you have a saved draft for, the following message will be displayed:

You can click either resume to continue editing the saved draft, or discard the draft and edit the current version of the iSheet item.

Modifying the draft items view

The Draft items view is a system-generated view, and Site Administrators can change the following configurations:

  • The columns that are displayed within the view and their sort order. However, the three system-generated columns, Modified by, Modified date and Status, must remain in the first three positions of the Draft items view and cannot be removed or rearranged
  • The sort order of the draft items

Site Administrators cannot change the name of the Draft items view or apply any filters. Additionally, the Draft view may not be set as either the Default or Alerter view for an iSheet.

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