29 Jul 2019

Create workflow rules - Add events

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Workflow

Use the Add events action to automatically add events with dynamically calculated dates when the trigger conditions are met. If you select Add event as your action, then the following fields are displayed:

Each field is described below:

  • Title - the name of the created event
  • Location - the location of the event
  • Start date - the start date and time of the event
  • End date - the end date and time of the event
  • Category - the category, or categories, of the event
  • Contacts - add any people you want as contacts for the event
  • Description - a description of the event


You can add variable content to some fields, dynamically retrieving data from the triggering object. 

There are five fields in the Add event action that can use variables: TitleStart dateEnd dateContacts. and Description.


Click Insert Variable next to the Title field to display the Insert variable - Title screen:

In the Variable to be used dropdown, you see all available variables. In this example, we have several options taken from the triggering iSheet. 

As of April 2023, if you know the name of the variable, you can use the Search field to quickly find the variable from a long list of variables.

Select the variable you want to use, (we have chosen 'created date' for this example) and click Insert. The Start date field will now look like this: 

In this example, the field will be populated with the name of the triggering iSheet.

Start date and End date

Click Insert Variable underneath the start date (or end date) to display the Insert variable - Start date (or Insert variable - End date) screen:

In the Variable to be used drop-down, you can see all of the variables available in this field. In this example, we have Created date and Modified date

Select the variable you want to use, (we have chosen 'Created date' for this example) and click Insert. For example, the Start date field will now look like this: 

In this example, the field will be populated with a date equal to when the record was added to an iSheet, or when a file was added to a folder.

Use the modifier drop-down to add or subtract time from the date provided by the variable.

  • Ignore weekends: This option will 'skip' weekends when the date is calculated. For example, if you select a date, and add 10 days, but exclude weekends; the new date will be 12 or 14 days later (depending on how many Saturdays and Sundays are included in the 10 days).


Click Insert Variable next to the Contacts field to display the Insert variable - Contacts screen:

In the Variable to be used drop-down, you can see all of the variables available in this field. In this example, we have Created byModified by and User who triggered the rule.

Select the variable that you want to use (we have chosen 'User who triggered the rule' for this example) and click Insert.

The Contacts field will now look like this: 

In this example, the field will be populated with the name of the user who has triggered the rule.


Click Insert Variable next to the Description field to display the Insert variable - Description screen:

In the Variable to be used dropdown, you will see the variables available to you. In this example, we have several options taken from the triggering iSheet, as well as Triggering iSheet record link

  • Triggering iSheet record link will insert 'click here' text and a link to the iSheet record that triggered the action.

As of June 2024, you can add a 'Folder link' variable to the description.

The Description field can use rich text formatting; variables will be highlighted in yellow.

Select the variable, or variables, that you want to use and click Insert. You may add additional text and formatting to improve the description.

The Description field will now look like this: 

In this example, the field will be populated with the matter number, a link and the modified date of the iSheet that triggered the rule.

Finish your rule

Click Save to save your event actions.

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