16 Jul 2019

Blog settings

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Admin

The Blog settings allow you to enable comments, allow PDF exports and enable the approval workflow. You can also view an RSS feed of all posts and add and delete categories. 

Configuring the blog

  • Allow comments - This setting determines whether or not comments are allowed on blog posts within this site. If allowed, the owner of a blog post can still determine whether to allow comments on a particular post. If comments already exist on any blog posts and this checkbox is deselected, the existing comments will be hidden but not deleted
  • Allow PDF export - This setting determines whether or not blog posts can be exported to PDF
  • Approval Workflow - Use this setting to require approval for any new blog posts or changes to an existing blog post, made by anyone other than an Administrator. When a post is created or edited, it will not be published immediately, but instead an Administrator for the site will have to accept or reject the post and if accepted, the post will be immediately published. Click Set Notifications to determine which Site and Content Administrators have the right to approve or reject a new page but by default, all Administrators have this permission. Please view the separate discussion on approval workflow
  • Hide Author - Use this setting to hide the name of the author of each blog post. This is useful if the blog post is intended to represent the view of a group or organisation and not an individual
  • Hide Date - Use this setting to hide the date of all blog posts
  • Hide tag cloud - The tag cloud is a visual representation of all of the tags used within the Blog module and is displayed in the left navigation.

Tags can be used in addition to Blog categories, which are described below

  • RSS Feed for all posts - This is a link to the RSS feed URL for every blog post in the site, regardless of the category
  • Categories - Blog categories serve two purposes. First, categories make it easier to identify, and navigate to, blog posts related to the same subject. Categories can also be used to limit a user or group's access to certain blog posts by associating access rights with a category. For example, clients may be prohibited from viewing any blog posts associated with the Internal category.
    By default, a Default category will exist and once another category has been created, the Default category can be removed. A blog post can be assigned to more than one category but must be assigned to at least one. By default, every new blog post will be assigned to the default blog category, unless another category had been pre-selected

Click Save to save your changes.

Configuring blog categories

Use the Categories section at the bottom of the page to add new Blog categories, edit the name of an existing category, remove an existing category, or change the permissions for an existing category:

  • To add a new Blog category, enter the category name in the field and press Enter.

The name of a category must be unique within the site. 

  • To change the permissions associated with an existing Blog category, navigate to More actions > Set Permissions:

  • To edit the name of an existing Blog category, navigate to More actions > Rename and enter the new name.
  • To delete a Blog category, navigate to More actions > Remove. Before a category can be deleted, it is necessary to either delete all of the blog posts associated with that category or associate the posts with at least one other category.

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