18 Jul 2019

Find draft content in My drafts

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Profile, Wiki, Events, Blog

When content is being created or edited in the Wiki, Blog and Events module, it can be saved as a Draft instead of Published:

Additionally, wiki pages, blog posts and events auto-save content whilst they are being edited.

To access all content that has been saved as a draft, including any auto-saved content, navigate to your User profile > My drafts:

The My drafts screen will be displayed:

This page displays all draft content and includes the following information:

  • Title - This is the title of the content
  • Module - This is the module the content belongs to
  • Site - This is the site that the content is located in
  • Status - This displays whether the content was auto-saved, or whether it was purposely saved as a draft
  • Last saved - This is the time that this content was last saved

Additionally, you can Resume editing or Delete the content, via the More actions option:

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