15 Sept 2019

Blog module overview

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Blog

The Blog module can be accessed by clicking the Blog tab in the navigation bar (although it is possible that the site administrator may have renamed the module for any particular site).

The Blog module is displayed only if it has been enabled by a site administrator and if the user has been given permission to access the module.

The Blog module can be used to share news, updates and thoughts with other site members. The Blog module utilises a rich text editor, making it possible to include attachments, links and images and with the comment and reply capabilities, users can enagage in rich, threaded discussions. By combining categories and comments, the Blog module can be used as a forum to solicit questions and feedback and provide responses and users can save posts as drafts to ensure they are ready to go out before publishing to a wider audience. 

With the approval workflow enabled, users require all posts to be approved before being published.

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