16 Oct 2019

Site templates - Move content to a new site

After creating a new site from a template, you will have a site with configuration and some content. You may need to copy content from existing sites to quickly prepare the site for use.

In 5.2, site templates do not include some types of content. If you need to add content that is the same as on another site you may import or copy content to the newly-created site.

For example, you can export a number of tasks from a site as a template, then import to your new site.


Each module, if active on the new site, should be checked to make sure that the configuration and content are appropriate for its intended purpose. 

Home module

If the Home module includes any panels, the configuration of the panels is included in the template, also content entered in a Content Editor panel (using the Rich text editor) is included. 

Activity module

Activity on the new site will be displayed as it occurs. You may need to change some Activity module settings.

Files module

Folders and permission defined in groups will be transferred, but no files will be included.

Copy files from an existing site:

Add files to the new site:

Certain import options will overwrite or remove existing folder structures. Please read the documentation carefully.

Wiki module

New articles must be created or copied to the new site.

Blog module

New posts must be created or copied to the new site.

Tasks module

No tasks will be included.

If you require data from existing tasks, you may export then import tasks to the new site.

Events module

No events will be included.

iSheets module

iSheet column definitions and setup will be transferred, but iSheet records will not be included.

The configuration of an iSheet template is copied to any site created from a template. As of version 5.5 iSheet comments and sharing settings are also copied.

People module (including users and groups)

Groups and associated permissions will be included.

Users will be included only if the Keep site users option is selected when the template is created.

User-specific permissions are copied from the template if the template included users.

Admin module

All Admin options will be saved. You may need to adjust some settings for the new site's function:


Workflow automation is saved, including triggers and actions. However, some rules may refer to items that are not saved.

You may have to reconfigure workflow rules, triggers and actions to restore certain iSheet triggers and email/task recipients.

AI configuration

Native HighQ AI and Kira engine configuration is included, but some third-party AI configuration is not saved (i.e. Leverton, Eigen). You will have to reconfigure these third-party AI services for sites, iSheets and folders.

Bidder sites

After creating a site from a template, you can set it as a bidder site in Site Security settings.

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