16 Jul 2019

Customise the Collaborate UI

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Sites and templates

The Customize System Admin page allows the System Administrator to customise the look and feel of the entire instance of Collaborate, using various settings, accessed by selecting the Customize tab:

These settings relate to the colours and logos that will be used for various common components of the Collaborate instance. Most changes that are made can be previewed before they are applied. If a default setting is changed is can be reverted back to the system default value by using the checkbox to the right of the setting.

Overriding settings

To override any default setting on the page, uncheck the checkbox next to the setting, change the value and hit Save at the bottom of the page. It is also possible to preview many of the visual changes by using the Preview button before saving. 

To revert back to a default setting, recheck the checkbox next to a setting and hit Save.

Significant features

Below is a list of some of the more significant settings that can be accessed on this page.

Custom CSS

It is possible to override virtually any CSS used in the instance of Collaborate using the Custom css text area:

Uncheck the box, enter the custom CSS into the text area and hit Preview or Save at the bottom. 

Changes made here require detailed knowledge of the CSS architecture of the Collaborate platform and should not be done lightly.

Custom CSS entered to make a change in one place may have an unexpected impact on another place. Please contact HighQ Support in advance of making any custom CSS changes.

Partially download PDF files

Sometimes PDF files will only partially download. This is likely due to a combination of the type of PDF file and an older browser. To avoid this issue, change the Partial download settings to FALSE:

Changing this setting to FALSE may impact the speed of downloading PDF files, as this will now force the entire file to be downloaded before it can be viewed, whereas otherwise the first pages of the file could be viewed while the rest is still downloading.

Long path warning

The following setting:

Is used to determine what path length will generate a warning when a bulk download is attempted. The Windows operating system has a limit on the total path length that is permitted, of approximately 250 characters. That includes the drive reference (like 'C:/'), and folders, folder separators ('/') and full file name, including file suffix. Collaborate permits file path lengths that are much longer. Therefore, when a regular bulk download is attempted, it may create a ZIP file that contains file paths that are longer than Windows permits; such ZIP files cannot be extracted to Windows (macOS permits longer file paths).

Collaborate can warn the user if the file is too long. When that warning is provided is based on the number of characters entered in the setting above. The reason to make this number less than the maximum path length in Windows is because when a ZIP file is extracted, in addition to the paths of the files in the  ZIP file, it is necessary to include the length of the path to the location where the ZIP file is extracted, like:  'C:/downloads'.

Default site landing page

When a new site is created, a module is set as the default landing page, but this can be changed on a site-by-site basis. To determine what module will always be the default for new sites, using this setting (otherwise, the default landing page will be the Files module, showing the root folder):

If the default landing page is a module that has not been enabled for a given site, an error will be shown when the System Administrator attempts to save the new site and a different landing page must be selected.


It is possible to add an image file that will appear in the browser tab that is accessing the Collaborate application:

The favicon must be at least 16x16 pixels in size. 

For example, the 'Q' favicon looks like this in a browser:

Document Bundling template

You can change the branding of the index page once a document has been generated or a document bundle has been created. System Administrators can make their required changes at an instance level. Go to System Administration>Customization>Document bundling template

Document bundling template

Here you set the background colours, attach a logo, set templates, add header and footer information and choose link colours to help you customise your index page. This feature is useful for creating transaction document bundles and also litigation document bundles. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your settings. 

Please note these options are only valid for Single PDF document creation i.e. litigation bundle and not for Zip bundle.

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