16 Jul 2019

HighQ Office plugin - Upload and attach

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter HighQ Office Plugin



This option lets you share files to HighQ and is available on the top right of your Outlook ribbon. 

Click Upload and Attach. Browse to the document(s) to be shared.

You can select more than one file by holding down the Ctrl key. Click on Open once you have selected all files.

The Files tab shows the selected documents. The number in brackets next to the tab name indicates how many files are being uploaded. To add further documents click Browse.

Security options can be used, as described in the Attach from HighQ page.

In the Upload location choose where the file should be uploaded. If Shared items is selected the file will be added to the Shared items folder in My Files.

If you choose Custom folder, select a folder from Collaborate where the file will be uploaded.

Click Upload and Attach. A link will be included in the content of your Outlook email.

After this email has been sent the copy of the file in My files should have a 'Shared' badge to indicate that the documents have been shared with a link sent in Outlook.

Upload files to a site that requires file approvals

Some sites may be configured to only allow accept files that are approved.

As of June 2023, you may upload files, but they are subject to the approval process.

Upload the file normally, with the Upload and attach option.

A notification is displayed:

The file is submitted for approval. Open the Sync notifications window from the toolbar to the current status of the file:

Click the More actions icon to Open drive folder.

Click the HighQ icon in the Outlook toolbar to see a list of submitted files.

If the file is approved, it is made available on the site, as with any uploaded file.

If you edit the file on the site, it is submitted for a new approval.

You cannot upload a second version of the file if the first has not yet approved.

If the file is rejected, you receive a notification, and the file is removed from the site.

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