23 Jun 2022

HighQ Office plugin - Share and upload in Microsoft Office

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter HighQ Office Plugin

The options described below are available in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. When you first open one of these Office applications you will see the Share and Upload options in the Office ribbon on the top right.


Use the Upload option to upload the file to Collaborate. Select your folder location or choose a new folder to upload the file to. Rename the file if required and then click OK.

The file is now added to your My Files area of Collaborate in the chosen folder and site selected in the previous Upload location window.

Save and View

Once you have uploaded a file from Office into your My files area of Collaborate the Save and View options are available in Office. These can be found in the HighQ ribbon on the top right. Use the Save option if further changes are made to the file and the change will be replicated into the file saved in Collaborate.

Click on View to open the file from the My Files area within Collaborate. 

Advanced Settings and Audit History

In Excel you can view the Advanced Settings using the File menu and then Open. Select the HighQ Collaborate drive on the left and the information on the right will display your files and your site address.

Click Advanced settings towards the bottom of the page. A window will display where you can set the 'Save' preferences.

Two radio button options are displayed. The first option allows you to create a new version when you close the document. This would be ideal if you were making lots of changes in the file but you didn't want a new version until you had finished making changes and wanted to save the document then. The second option creates a new version every time you use CTRL and S (or File > Save). This might be ideal if for example you were adding responses from a survey and wanted to keep the file open and create a new version each time you use CTRL and S so you could get an idea of the new responses. 

Choose your setting and press Save

Version History can be found within Collaborate by going to the Files menu and then selecting the file and using the More actions icon. 


Click on Audit history. The audits tab shows each change made and the IP address of the person who made the change.

The file stored in Collaborate will be overwritten each time the file is saved.

Audit history is available for audit purposes and to download or view. 


Use the share option whilst in Excel to share the file externally. Click the Share icon and the Share document window will display. Set the accessibility, download and link settings as explained in the earlier chapters - these follow the same parameters.

Then click Get Link.

A link is displayed in the window which can be copied into the body of an email or pasted straight into a browser. And dependant on the parameters set up in the Share document window a link will display to view and/or download the file. If an expiry was set for the link this would also display here.

 Press Close once you have finished with the link.

As of June 2022, you can share a file from any HighQ site, not only from My Files.

Add version

Add version can be accessed from the More actions option in Collaborate.

Choose Add version. The Add new version window is displayed, enter the information required to update the file and then click Add.

Your file will be updated in Collaborate. If you then go to Excel and attempt to change the previous version a message will display to let you know this.

Audit History 

Audit History can be accessed from the More actions option in Collaborate.

Choose Audit History. The Audit history window will display. The audits tab will list all changes made to the file starting with when the file was added. The version tab will display versions created. Dates and IP addresses are also displayed in this window. Note - the IP address has been blurred for this image.

If you want to revert back to a previous version you will need to download the previous version from the Audit history window, save it within your Collaborate library and then use the add version function to overwrite the 'current' version.  

Access to restricted sites

As of Collaborate 5.4, you will now be able to access restricted site types through all mobile and desktop apps.

These restricted sites are:

  • IP restricted sites
  • 2FA secure sites
  • Password protected sites
  • Sites that require a user to accept terms and conditions

These sites are shown with a padlock icon:

Selecting a restricted site will show you what exact restrictions are placed on the site. For example:

The above site is password protected and has terms and conditions attached to it. 

Click Continue

A new screen will be displayed asking for a password for the site. Enter this site password and click Enter.

You will now be able to see the site contents:

Show favourite files and folders, synced across devices

You can now view favourite files and folders, synced across devices when using either the File Email or Save Attachments buttons in the ribbon:

Additionally, you can add files, folders and individual messages as favourites within the email viewer:

Files and folder:

Individual messages and documents:

Finally, you can also access the favourites functionality when uploading a document for the first time, by navigating to the Favourite folders tab:

Showing email metadata

As of Collaborate 5.4, we can now import email metadata to be utilised within the Windows Office Plug-In. Within your collaborate instance, click the Admin tab in your site. In the Site admin page, navigate to Module settings > Files. The Files screen is displayed. Within the Files screen, navigate to the Email metadata section, shown below:

Within this section you can Enable email metadata, set whether it is on as default, and also select which metadata specifically is enabled. Once you have configured these settings, click Save.

Once this is enabled, you now must enable this feature within the Office settings. Click the Plug-In settings button in the ribbon and navigate to the Preferences tab:

Within the Preferences tab, navigate to the File email preferences section, highlighted above. Click the Show document/email metadata within  tree and click Save.

The new functionality will now be enabled.

Now, viewing messages within a given site or folder of the HighQ Tree, will be ordered based on their Received/Created Date and Sent/Modified Date, relating to the actual metadata of the message themselves, and not the date(s) those message were uploaded to Collaborate: 

Please note that this feature also works for documents other than messages. Viewed within Outlook - the user can navigate to a site/folder containing a mixture of documents and these can now be ordered using the same Received/Created Date and Sent/Modified Date columns, according to their actual created and modified dates, rather than the dates they were uploaded/synced from Collaborate.

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