16 Jul 2019

HighQ Office plugin - Drag and Drop

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter HighQ Office Plugin



You can drag emails with attachments directly to your Collaborate instance from your Outlook inbox. To do this, choose a file from your inbox and drag it into your HighQ folder tree, situated in the left panel of your inbox.

Open the branches of folders in the HighQ tree, select the required folder, and release to drop the file. 

The folder now shows a number next to it, which indicates that a new file has been added. Click this folder to see other items in the folder and a preview of the new file.

The new file added will also be updated in the same folder within Collaborate.

Use the arrow icon shown in the picture above or the More actions option to download the full file including attachments.

To open the file only, click on the file title in the listing. To view the attachment click on the paperclip icon shown in the top right of the preview.

You can also drag and drop your files from Windows Explorer into Collaborate in exactly the same way. Click and hold a file in Windows Explorer and drag it to your required folder in the HighQ folder tree on the left panel of your inbox.

The file will be replicated in your Collaborate folder

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