29 Jul 2019

Doc Auto Word Plugin - Validate

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Doc Auto Word Plugin

After creating your automated template, check if the references to iSheet data are still valid. The Validate option will check the Site, iSheets, iSheet Views and Columns you have in your template associations and template automation and:

  • if any of the above have been renamed then it will update the template automation to mirror that
  • if any of the above have been deleted then it will check through the template and highlight in red any items that are no longer valid

How to Validate

To validate your template simply click on Validate. Validation will be performed and a message will notify you if any issues exist.

You will also see a full Validation Report in the right-hand panel with a list of automation items that need your attention.

Example of a deleted Column

In the example below the Column 'Registration number' was deleted from the iSheet after it was used in the automation of the template.

A message notifies the user that the column association doesn't exist anymore. The automation using the column is highlighted in red and it is also listed as an item in the Validation report in the right-hand panel, as shown in the image below. 

After correcting any issues highlighted during validation, you can view a preview of the template.

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