29 Jul 2019

Doc Auto Word Plugin - Loops and dynamic tables

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Product Area Filter Doc Auto Word Plugin

If you need to take a large amount of data from many records in an iSheet you can use a loop. The loop will read all the records in the iSheet from top to bottom.

You can also use a loop to build each row of a dynamic table.

Insert a loop

To insert a loop in a document, click on Loop

  • Highlight the part of the document that you want to repeat for each iSheet record the loop encounters. 

  • Double-click on the iSheet View that you want to loop through from the right-hand panel.

When you have placed the loop in the template it will look like this:

Remember you can also place conditionals inside loops so you take only the data that meets the conditional rules, eg in the example below the customer records that the loop will return are only for customers whose 'Jurisdiction is in the UK':

Build a dynamic table

If you want to display the output of a Loop as a table you can use the Dynamic Table builder.

The table loop will read all the records in the iSheet from top to bottom and dynamically build a table row for each iSheet record it encounters. To build a dynamic table, click on Dynamic Table

Click Add in the right-hand panel. The Dynamic Table builder window opens. 

Enter a name for the dynamic table. In the iSheet view dropdown, choose the view that you want the table to loop through.

Conditions applied to the dynamic table

You can also place conditionals inside loops so you take only the iSheet data that meet your conditional rules.

The rules in the Condition need to lookup column data from the same iSheet View as the one the dynamic table is looping through. The dynamic table builder will only show these applicable Conditions.

Choose an iSheet View and the Conditions drop-down will update to show all the Conditions that are applicable.

To see the rules in an existing Condition, click the More Actions icon and choose View condition.

To build new Conditions to use with a dynamic table, click the More Actions icon and choose Add new condition.

Click on the Columns tab inside the Dynamic Table builder. Insert a column for each iSheet column that will provide data.

Give the Column a title and choose one or more values for that table column. The values can be static text or a variable from the iSheet view you are looping through.

Conditions applied to values in the columns of the dynamic table

You can place conditionals on column values. Choose a condition from the Conditions drop-down.

To see the rules in an existing Condition, click the More Actions icon and choose View condition.

To build a new Condition, click the More Actions icon and choose Add new condition.

Click Add to add the dynamic table to the right-hand panel. 

Insert Dynamic Table

In the template, place the cursor where you want to insert the table. Double-click on the dynamic table in the right-hand panel. When it has been inserted it will look like the below image: 

Hide table header

You can hide the table header by selecting Hide table header at the bottom of the dynamic table builder, under the columns tab:

Editing and removing dynamic tables

Click More Actions next to each dynamic table in the right-hand panel. You can Edit or Remove the dynamic table. 

If you edit the dynamic table and then click on Update, all instances of the dynamic table, already used in the template, will automatically update. 


After adding any loops, you can add additional conditional rules or validate the template.

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