29 Jul 2019

Doc Auto Word Plugin - Conditions

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Doc Auto Word Plugin

Watch our introduction video on conditions:


Add conditions

Once the Associations have been set up, you can click the Conditions tab to build conditional rules. Click Add in the panel on the right. The Conditions builder window opens. 

Enter a Name for the Condition. In the iSheet View dropdown, choose a view that has the columns you want to use in the conditional rule.

Once this has been chosen, the Property dropdown populates with all the associated columns from the iSheet view. Choose a column from the Property dropdown and then select a logic Operator. The value field updates with all available values for the chosen column. Choose a value from the dropdown or users can type a known value that can be used in the selected column.

The value for this field should exactly match the text of the value in the iSheet. 

A condition can be built from many conditional rules. Use the Add condition option on the bottom left to add another rule.

Add as many rules as needed and then change the top dropdown to Any or All

If you choose All, the condition will apply if all the rules in the condition are true. If you choose Any, the condition will apply if at least one of the rules in the condition is true

Click Add to add the conditions to the right-hand panel. 

Now apply the condition in the template. 

Apply conditions

To apply the condition highlight the part of the document to place under the condition. Double-click on the condition to apply it. When it has been applied, the condition in the document will look like this:

Editing and removing conditions

Click the More Actions icon next to the condition in the right-hand panel. You can Edit or Remove the condition. 

If you Edit the condition and then click on Update, all the instances of the condition used in the template will automatically update. 

If you have a large number of records to process you can use loops, or skip forward to validate the template.

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