17 Jul 2019

HighQ Office plugin - Automatic upload into Collaborate

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter HighQ Office Plugin

To use this functionality you should have the following settings enabled. 

By choosing the first radio button highlighted, all attachments sent by email will be uploaded to HighQ.

If the second radio option is chosen you can set a file size limit where files smaller than the chosen limit are sent as a regular email and not uploaded to HighQ. If the file size is larger the confirmation window will display and the file will be shared to HighQ. 

If you require a confirmation window before automatically sending attachments this will display if you check the last highlighted box. 

When you create an email with an attachment and then send the email, the Upload and send attachments window will display. 

As previously mentioned this will not appear if you have chosen the file size option and your attachment is smaller than the set size. 

In this option, you can choose to send your email with its attachment as a regular email outside of Collaborate or to share and upload the attachments to Collaborate. 

If you choose to send attachments via HighQ you can set the Security options and choose where to save your attachment including creating a new custom folder. A window will appear to show this is being uploaded. The email will be sent with links to view (or download if this security option was selected) the attachment within Collaborate.

You can choose particular file types not to be uploaded into HighQ within the Settings option.

Enter file types into this box (such as .xls, .docx, .png) and Save your changes. Any files types entered into this box will be sent as a regular attachment and not uploaded to Collaborate when sending an email.  

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