16 Jul 2019

HighQ Office plugin - Attach from HighQ

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter HighQ Office Plugin



The Attach from HighQ option is shown in the HighQ tab on the top right of your Outlook ribbon.  

Click Attach from HighQ to select a document to attach that is already in your Collaborate instance. This document will have the secure settings feature. 

The options displayed in Files and Folders are the same as your My Files area in Collaborate.

Security options

In the Security options tab you have the following options:

In the Accessible by options, you can set the security levels for accessing the document:

  • Anyone with the link - Anyone can access the document
  • Users in my organisation - Any users in the organisation with access to the Collaborate instance
  • Any registered system user - External users who are already registered with Collaborate

In the Download rights options, you can set security for downloading of the document:

  • Download, view and print - This will allow users in receipt of the link or email to download, view and print the document 
  • View only - Users in receipt of the link or email can only view the document

In the Link expires option, set how long the link may be accessed:

  • Never - Access to the link will never expire
  • After 2 days - Access to the link will expire after two days
  • After 7 days - Access to the link will expire after seven days
  • After 30 days - Access to the link will expire after thirty days
  • Choose date - Select your own date for the link to expire

After setting security options, click Attach. In Outlook your email will now contain a link at the beginning of the email.

To change where the link is inserted in the email open the Settings option in the HighQ panel and then choose the Preferences tab. 

The link in the email will take the user to Collaborate to view the document.

Options are pre-determined by selections made in the Settings tab. For example, options to download and print, and the link expiry delay.

The date shown is the date the document was created. A message shows how long is left before the access expires, if a date has been set. This text will also inform you if the link has already expired. 

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